
Enroll in Safety Council

In an effort to reduce the number of accidents in our workplaces and to share resources and information on accident prevention, risk management and workers’ compensation in Ohio, the BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene and the Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce co-sponsor this program.

By completing this enrollment form, the employer makes a commitment to send representatives to a minimum of 10 safety council meetings during the rebate year and to submit semi-annual reports by the corresponding deadlines.

This form must be completed by June 30, 2019 in order to be eligible for the BWC 2019-20 Safety Council Rebate Program.

Steering Committee

Meet the 2017 - 2018 Safety Steering Committee

Safety Council meetings and seminars are planned by safety professionals, company safety directors, and public safety officers.

Devon Diello
Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce

Nino Piccoli City of Medina
Steering Committee Chair

Tracy Combs Wichert Insurance  
Dallis Conrad Owens Corning Corporation
Nina Fullerton GVS Safety Supply
Paul Magovac Brunswick Hills Township
Janie Parish Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce
Stuart Root A. I. Root Company
Susan Sevy Vexor Technology
Cari Gray, CSP BWC Safety Counsultant Specialist